System and Individual - Not a Choice Between One or the Other!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this issue, the focus is on the following topic:

  • ⚽Positions within the positional play

⚽Positions within the positional play

In a previous post, we already discussed the basic principles of positional play. But how can these principles be effectively implemented in practice? Which players need which positions to successfully occupy depth, width, and central spaces?

In offensive formation, it's all about linking principles with how space is used. Players adjust their positions based on the opponent's defense. They look for gaps, fill empty spaces, and react to the opponent's pressure.

I can analyse our opponents and use my tactical know-how to place you in the best positions.

Pep Guardiola in a team meeting

Therefore, formations are less significant when in possession of the ball compared to when the opponent has possession. The crucial factor is not which formation a team chooses, but rather how they implement the principles of positional play. This is particularly important for individual players who need to understand their role in positional play and how it differs from their defensive position.

Where should they position themselves, and what running paths should they choose? Therefore, the central question is how individual players can adopt positions to implement the principles of positional play. Each team has different spaces or tactical means they focus on.

System and Individual - Not a Choice Between One or the Other!

No coach wants to be known solely as a tactical genius but fails in interpersonal leadership. That's why professional coaches always emphasize that football is primarily a team sport. The individual strengths and weaknesses of the players significantly influence how a team plays. The system adapts to the players - not the other way around!

This sentence sounds nice, but in practice, it's rarely feasible. No coach in the world simply puts their eleven best players in their favorite positions. Even if a team has four world-class strikers scoring goals left and right, it's unlikely they would all play at the same time. How could their strengths complement each other?

The team might have four good strikers in the penalty area, but no one to pass the ball to them. It would be really hard to create a strategy where all four strikers can work together effectively.

Similarly, it wouldn't work if suddenly Mats Hummels had to play as a winger. He wouldn't be able to fulfill this role as expected from a winger. He's neither good at dribbling nor particularly fast. However, he has other qualities. His long-range passes can help break through opposing defensive lines.

It's always about balance: players need to be deployed in positions that suit them. These positions must also complement the other positions on the field. Ideally, as many players as possible play in positions they excel in, complementing each other's strengths. Therefore, the system and the individual players are not opposites but rather complement each other.

There are various ways to implement different principles, which, in turn, depend on the qualities of the players. Lionel Messi will interpret his role as a striker differently than Robert Lewandowski. Each player has an individual path to be incorporated into the positional play construct. However, tactical means have been established in this area that are now considered standard.

The important thing is not to consider the player roles presented here as dogma. Football is a complex sport, and theoretically, there are many different ways to connect the roles on the field. Coaches continually find new ways to implement the principles of positional play and surprise the opponent. These are just a few examples.


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