From preparation to implementation

How to optimize training

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Hello and warm welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this issue, the following topics take center stage:

  1. ⚽Training structure

  2. 👉 3 New Exercises!

⚽Training structure

What does a coach need to do to create an effective training session?

Thorough preparation is essential. Firstly, it involves carefully planning the training sessions themselves. Secondly, it's important to contextualize them: What does the team need, and what do individual players need – both in the short term and the long term? This targeted approach is crucial for developing players and the team effectively. As a coach, it's also vital to understand how players interact with each other, both personally and on the field. This understanding is significant because football is ultimately a team sport that relies on interaction.

The coordination on the field must be impeccable, addressing both the game's technical and tactical aspects as well as interpersonal dynamics within the team. Success requires all participants to fully internalize and commit to the team's overarching goal. Therefore, a coach should integrate and focus on these aspects in every training session.

What does it take to turn good preparation into a successful training session?

To achieve this, it's important to involve every player in each training session, both in terms of communication and content. Each session should cover all essential areas: technique, tactics, mental strength, and athleticism. The training should focus on improving each player individually while also building team unity. A well-executed session leaves players feeling positive and excited, highlighting the importance of ending training on a high note for long-term improvement.

How do you develop a tactical periodization that suits your team perfectly?

Start by looking ahead to the next tactical steps. Assess your team's current state and determine what improvements can be made in the upcoming training sessions. Then, break down the tactical topics into manageable steps and timeframes for each training session. Consider which technical skills are needed for these tactics. Also, align mental and physical training with these objectives. This approach will help your team progress tactically and broaden their strategic abilities.

Does a coach need to "push" a player (methodically) to improve?

Improving performance requires consistent attention from the coach. While this approach may not appeal to everyone, a coach who doesn't engage intensively with a player may have given up on them. When a coach invests significant time and effort in a player, it shows genuine care and commitment. It's important to systematically drive players to constantly improve and never settle for less. When the right approach is found and the player recognizes that the coach wants the best for them, significant and lasting progress can be achieved.

Another crucial aspect in elite and competitive football is the players' high frustration tolerance. Coaches must cultivate this trait and help players improve in this area. Players lacking in this attribute often struggle to perform consistently at this level.

What aspects of training incorporate the ball, and when is it advantageous to train without it?

While it's possible to include the ball in nearly all training activities, it's important to consider omitting it at times for mental relaxation and to allow the body and mind to unwind. Working with the ball always requires a certain level of mental engagement. Contrary to previous beliefs, exercises without the ball can actually be more physically demanding. On days when players need to reduce mental strain, it's beneficial to minimize ball usage or eliminate it entirely from training sessions. However, for most exercises, incorporating the ball is ideal, especially in amateur settings where time is limited and efficient ball work is crucial for improvement.

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👉3 New Exercises

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