The Importance of Game Intelligence in Football

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In this issue, the following topics are the focus:

  1. ⚽Game Intelligence in Football

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⚽Game Intelligence in Footbal

In critical areas of the game such as the spaces between the lines and particularly within the opponent's penalty area, we witness the highest level of game intelligence, which demands exceptional skills from players.

Since 2008, the time players have to control the ball has reduced from 1.9 seconds to 0.9 seconds. More and more seemingly smaller nations and teams are adopting this approach, highlighting the importance of quick and precise decision-making.

Game intelligence in football refers to a player's ability to read the game, make intelligent decisions, and respond tactically and situationally. This skill encompasses various elements, including:

  • Decision-Making: In football, players often have to make critical decisions in split seconds. Should they pass, dribble, or shoot? Players with good game intelligence have the ability to make wise decisions in such moments, contributing to the team's success. This skill requires not only quick reactions but also a deep understanding of game strategy and individual positioning on the field.

  • Anticipation: A key characteristic of a game-intelligent player is the ability to anticipate developments on the field. This allows them to position themselves effectively and influence the game's flow. By reading opponents' movements and spatial awareness, a player with high game intelligence can predict game situations and react accordingly. This ability often develops through years of experience and intense observation of the game.

  • Technical Execution: Game intelligence goes hand in hand with technical skills. An intelligent player knows how to control, pass, or shoot the ball to achieve the best outcome. This requires a combination of fine motor skills and mental sharpness to effectively use the ball. Players with high game intelligence can skillfully navigate the ball in tight spaces and play unpredictable passes to break through the defense.

  • Tactical Understanding: A player with high game intelligence understands tactical concepts such as pressing, shifting play, and covering space. They can adapt quickly to different game situations and strategically influence the game. This tactical sensitivity is often key to success in challenging game scenarios. Players with outstanding game intelligence are able to implement the coach's instructions on the field and adjust their game accordingly.

The lack of decision-making quality and quick action is hardly compensable in professional football. To put it bluntly: "A player only needs to be big and strong if they lack sufficient game intelligence."

Since football is a sport of decisions, it is crucial that training is primarily focused on decision-making rather than just executing movements. Players must strive to quickly assess situations and reduce their reaction times from the typical 0.3 seconds of a top athlete, aiming to be mentally and execution-wise one step ahead at all times

Examples from the world of football:

Football legends like Xavi Hernandez and Andrea Pirlo are famous for their exceptional game intelligence. They could read the game like an open book and were able to control the rhythm of play.

Even in today's football world, we can consider players like Kevin De Bruyne of Manchester City or Luka Modric of Real Madrid as outstanding examples of players with high game intelligence. These players are not only technically brilliant but also masterful strategists who elevate the game to a higher level.


Overall, game intelligence is crucial in football. It is the element that can make the difference between a good player and a great player. By developing their game intelligence, players can not only enhance their performance but also make their team more successful.

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