Coaching during Training Sessions

Observation - Identify Mistakes - Correct Mistakes

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this issue, we're putting the spotlight on the following topics:

  1. ⚽Coaching during Training Sessions

  2. 👉3 New Exercises for You!

⚽Coaching during Training Sessions

Effective coaching requires keen observation. During training sessions, the coach identifies errors, provides players with immediate feedback or discusses alternative actions afterward, thus supporting their development. Strong observational skills are essential not only for recognizing and correcting mistakes but also for understanding the information players express, enabling the coach to make appropriate adjustments.

If you observe attentively, you'll learn to make the right adjustments through your players.

Pep Guardiola

During technical training, it's crucial for the coach to have a clear understanding of the movements. Only then can they recognize why mistakes occur. The same applies to tactical aspects. The coach must observe closely what the players are doing tactically. They need to intervene until the players can make the right tactical decisions automatically.

Analytical Observation Skills

When observing mistakes, there are four stages that are important for analyzing them and suggesting alternative solutions. From steps 1 to 4, observation becomes increasingly detailed. This makes it easier to answer the central questions regarding error correction.

  1. A mistake was made.

  2. What mistake was made?

  3. Why was the mistake made?

  4. What other action or movement alternatives could have been possible?

Here are simple criteria for evaluating player performance

  • How effective is the action (with and without the ball)?

  • Is the action executed at the right time (timing and use of speed and accuracy)?

  • How much effort is required for the action (efficiency and economy of movements and actions)?

Error Correction

When a coach notices errors, they must decide which ones to address and when to do so. They can either correct immediately on the field or during a later discussion. Additionally, they must determine how to correct. The psychological moment is also important, such as how the coach addresses the player and with what tone of voice.

When an experienced player makes a mistake that they themselves notice, it's often unnecessary to mention the mistake explicitly again. However, it also depends on the player's personality, and this is where the coach's finesse lies. With some players, it may be appropriate to react more energetically, while with others, a different approach may be necessary. Essentially, alternatives should always be shown for mistakes (demonstration always comes before explanation!).

During training, the coach should address mistakes immediately and individually on the field. This allows them to provide better actions and alternatives right away. The level of expectations must be tailored to each individual's skill level. During breaks or at the end of exercises, the coach should highlight additional errors and solutions, focusing on areas that need improvement in the current training focus.

An effective method of conveying information is through well-crafted questions from the coach, prompting players to come up with solutions themselves. This approach increases attentiveness and sparks curiosity among players. Whether in drills or actual gameplay, it's crucial that correctional cues target mistakes noticed by both players and the coach. A player who believes they've done everything correctly typically resists advice. Therefore, the coach's correction should be based on a specific situation recognized by both parties.

👉3 New Exercises for You!

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