The 6 most important pressing triggers

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  1. ⚽6 Pressing Triggers

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⚽6 Pressing-Triggers

Today, we focus on an essential aspect of modern football: pressing. In the modern game, pressing has taken on a central role in putting pressure on the opponent, forcing turnovers, and dominating play. Some of the world's best teams, such as Liverpool under Jürgen Klopp and Manchester City under Pep Guardiola, have perfected pressing and use it as a key component of their success.

In particular, we want to look at the different triggers or "pressing triggers" that teams use to effectively put pressure on the opponent. Here are six effective pressing triggers that every team should know:

Pressing when the Ball is in the Air:

When the ball is in the air, it is an ideal moment for pressing. The opposing player must first gain control of the ball, leaving them little time for a precise action. By applying immediate pressure, the team can force the opponent into an inaccurate pass or a faulty ball reception. This trigger exploits the uncertainty and instability of the opponent during ball reception.

Pressing on Back Passes:

A back pass often signals a moment of uncertainty or reorganization in the opponent's play. This is a perfect opportunity to apply pressure, as the backward movement allows the defending team to get into a compact formation and shrink the space available to the opponent. Quick pressing on back passes can pin the opponent in their own half and lead to turnovers.

Pressing with Numerical Superiority:

When you have more players near the ball than the opponent in a particular situation, it is a great opportunity for pressing. Numerical superiority means the pressing team can control more spaces and more easily regain possession. This advantage can be created through smart shifting and good positioning.

Pressing on Obvious Lateral Passes:

Lateral passes are often predictable and slower than vertical passes, making them ideal moments for pressing. Well-timed pressure on the ball carrier and the passing options can disrupt the flow of play and force the opponent into mistakes. This trigger requires a good understanding of passing lanes and anticipating the opponent's moves.

Pressing on Poor Ball Control:

An unclean ball reception or technical error by the opponent provides an excellent opportunity to apply immediate pressure. When the opponent fails to control the ball, they are particularly vulnerable. Quick-reacting players can exploit these situations to regain possession and potentially create a scoring opportunity. This type of pressing requires high concentration and rapid responsiveness.

Counterpressing directly after a turnover:

Counterpressing, also known as "Gegenpressing" is an immediate reaction to losing the ball. Instead of withdrawing and reshaping the defense, immediate pressure is applied to the opponent in possession of the ball. The aim is to regain possession as quickly as possible, often still in the opponent's half. This trigger requires high collective determination and endurance.

These six pressing triggers are essential tools in the arsenal of every successful football team. By understanding and selectively applying these mechanisms, teams can control the flow of play, force errors from the opponent, and ultimately increase their chances of scoring goals and winning matches.

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