12 Qualities of a Good Coach

Hello and warm welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this issue, the following topics take center stage:

  1. ⚽12 Qualities of a Good Coach

  2. 👉 3 New Exercises for You!

  3. 📺 UEFA European Championship 2024

⚽ 12 Qualities of a Good Coach

A good leader or trainer is distinguished by more than just technical knowledge and expertise. In terms of leadership behavior, they should also fulfill a specific profile and possess certain qualities or exhibit behaviors:

Having a vision:

For a trainer, it is important to have a vision for the team's game, as well as for the game of individual players. Concrete goals can be derived from this. The daily work should be characterized by a communal goal that everyone works towards together, that they are passionate about, and for which they give their all out of their own initiative. A trainer should be able to inspire their players and emotionally engage them. The prerequisite for this is complete identification with and total enthusiasm for their own actions.

Handling pressure:

Internal club expectations (board, sports management), criticism from external sources (players, parents, possibly media) - every trainer is constantly caught in the middle and must know how to deal with it. Therefore, a top trainer, like any good leader, needs a matured personality and inner strength. Only in this way can the pressure be cushioned. It must never be transferred to the players or the staff.

Player development:

Some coaches tend to keep their players small and attribute their successes to themselves. However, this behavior leads to players not feeling appreciated enough and consequently losing their motivation. A leadership style aimed at optimal player development is characterized by the coach granting players certain freedoms, delegating responsibility to them, challenging them, fostering them, and acknowledging their performance. In this way, each individual matures both in terms of football skills and personally. As in any developmental process, mistakes naturally occur here as well. This is entirely normal, but one should always strive not to repeat them. If something goes wrong, a good leader is required to always stand up for their team.


The path to a common goal can be long and may require special efforts. Nonetheless, it is important to pursue plans and goals consistently and not lose motivation due to setbacks. A top trainer sets an example of disciplined work ethic and ideally transfers this to their players.

Focusing on strengths:

Working on weaknesses is important. However, what's even more crucial is to focus on one's strengths and further improve them. Top trainers concentrate on the strengths of individual players and try to develop them strategically. Those who only try to compensate for weaknesses end up achieving mediocrity.


Acknowledgment after success is one of the most powerful motivating factors. Correcting mistakes is essential because learning comes from mistakes. Equally important, however, is providing positive feedback to reinforce the players in their actions.


Allowing someone to express themselves brings relief. The thought, "My coach gives me space," is crucial and communicates to the player that they are respected as an individual. It's crucial to have a genuine interest in the player's athletic performance. Associated problems can be discussed between coach and player, and ideally, the coach can provide the player with solutions.

Building trust:

A trusting relationship is the foundation for good collaboration. To establish or maintain this, transparency is essential. The more far-reaching a decision is, the more openly and honestly it should be communicated. This gives players the opportunity to understand the decisions. At the same time, trust also requires consistency in one's own actions. Once a decision has been made (for example, regarding a lineup), it should not be changed afterwards. Additionally, one should allow players room for mistakes and support them in correcting them.

Setting boundaries:

A top trainer needs assertiveness, straightforwardness, and a certain toughness. These qualities are particularly important in decisions such as lineups, squad selections, or contract terminations, etc. As a leader, it's inevitable to make unpopular decisions at times. That's just the nature of the job. In football, the entire squad cannot play on match days. Like in any team, there may be instances where certain combinations don't fit together, and it's better for players and the club to part ways. Communication and moderation are crucial in handling such situations. However, it's always essential that everything takes place within a correct framework and, above all, with humanity.

Admitting mistakes:

Even a trainer is allowed to make mistakes. A healthy amount of self-reflection is essential for advancing one's own development. Coaches who can sometimes step back and admit mistakes gain respect from their players.

Being fair:

This requires sensitivity and awareness of the players. Treating all players equally is impossible because each has an individual personality as well as their own strengths and weaknesses. A top trainer leads with a focus on individuals and must recognize what each person needs. This is by no means synonymous with unfairness.

Understanding one's role:

Those who lead others must be aware of the psychological responsibility. A top trainer should constantly remind themselves that they act as a sort of surrogate father or mother for the players, thus playing a very significant role in their lives, both on and off the field.

👉3 New Exercises!

3 new exercises are out. Get unlimited access to all existing and upcoming videos with our monthly or yearly subscription.


📺European Championship 2024

With the kickoff of the European Championship this Friday, an exciting phase of football draws near. Over the coming weeks, we'll be focusing on publishing game analyses and striving to identify new trends in football.

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